Karaja Experiences

Immerse yourself in the world-famous craft of Sumba in the most authentic way possible.

We offer an introduction to ikat weaving and a natural dyeing course. Both experiences are led by the Makers of the Karaja community and are hosted in their village.

For companies and organisations we have a B2B redyeing service.

Introduction to Ikat Weaving

Karaja Sumba Ikat Weaving and Natural Dyeing
Karaja Sumba Ikat Weaving and Natural Dyeing

Understand the different steps of the weaving process and give it a try yourself

Immerse yourself in the art of Karaja Ikat weaving and let our experienced community of weavers guide you.

You will be welcomed into our weaving village where the entire community is involved in the weaving process. Weaving is a daily activity for many women and you will see how they are all in the process of creating their unique ikat. As you watch their skilful hands, you will appreciate the craftsmanship behind each piece of ikat.

After the warm welcome and demonstration of the different steps, you are invited to step closer to the looms and try your hand at ikat weaving.

This workshop is held at two villages:
Kampung Liling
Kampung Letehakapuna

As a token of appreciation we ask a minimum donation of IDR 100,000 per person. All proceeds go directly to the Weavers and their families.

The workshop is available daily, but we require at least two hours' notice before your arrival.

Karaja Sumba Ikat Weaving and Natural Dyeing

Natural Dyeing Class

Karaja Sumba Ikat Weaving and Natural Dyeing

Give a second life to one of your garments with the help of our Makers.

Your old garment, whether it's a worn-out shirt, a faded dress, or a beloved pair of jeans, becomes the canvas for your creative expression. Guided by our skilled Makers, you'll explore the art of natural dyeing.

By using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients, we honor the wisdom of traditional knowledge and support the livelihoods of local farmers and artisans. The practice of dyeing it yourself creates a personal connection with the garment, which will help make it last.

This workshop is held at:
Kampung Letehakapuna

For this experience you bring your own garment, made from a natural fibre such as cotton, linen or hemp. Additionally, there is a fee of 250,000 IDR per person. All proceeds go directly to the Weavers and their families.

Please get in touch with us for availability, as the dyeing materials need to be prepared in advance and availability depends on Mother Nature’s capacity.

B2B Dyeing Service

Karaja Sumba Ikat Weaving and Natural Dyeing

Our B2B service offers a unique opportunity to breathe new life into your old textiles or garments.

As a company or organisation you provide the old textiles, whether they are surplus inventory, outdated uniforms or promotional items made from natural fibres such as cotton, linen or hemp. Then our skillful Makers work their magic with natural dyes from the region and the season to give your textiles a new look.

All proceeds from our B2B re-dyeing service go directly to the producers and their families to support their livelihoods and promote sustainable economic development in the community.

A fixed fee of 250,000 IDR is charged for foraging and dye preparation. The fee per square metre of textiles is around 100,000 IDR.